Toddler Teaser Apps Are Brilliantly Designed!
It is in my humble opinion and as a mother of a 2 1/2-year-old developmentally delayed child that I have to firmly state how well Toddler Teaser knows how a toddler thinks. I have purchased many other toddler apps that I get stuck with never using because of frustrating, opening page, option menus (that are not shown in the screen shot examples) that toddlers have no clue how to use. Toddler Teaser apps start the fun right away on the first page and I cannot thank them enough for it. I will never hesitate to pay full price knowing how well these apps are designed. If its made by Toddler Teaser, its the app for us! Thank you, TT, every so kindly for your extremely high quality products. -A
AnmariLinardi about Complete Toddler Preschool